Why China is Interested In Pakistan?



Why China is interested in Pakistan? 

Have you ever thought that why China is so deeply interested in Pakistan and said Pakistan as it's Iron brother.

lets discuss something wired about China's problem regarding trade root and and Pakistan's geographical advantage to China.

Let's suppose China is going to import some oil from middle eastern countries.

So for this China is going to follow it's normal trade route that's firstly there ships from Suez canal will enter in gulf of Aden after entering in gulf of Aden then they  will move in Indian ocean, after travelling through Indian Ocean the ships will move directly through strait of Malaka besides from Andaman Nicobar Island. Then from strait of Malaka, ships will enter in South China sea and after entering in South China sea their ships will enter in China.

current sea trade root of china

Image provided below will give better visualization.

Currently this is the trade route which China is following now. But it's each and every trade ship travelling through this trade route comes across Andaman and Nicobar Island and exclusive economic zone(EEZ) of India so our Indian Government and our Indian Navy can easily supervise each and every trade ship of China and India can easily keep eye on Chinese trade.

Andaman acting as barrier for trade ships passing through Malaka strait

To prevent this China is developing their new trade route that is passing directly from Pakistan apart from going in Indian Ocean.

China has passed a bill and gave a fundings to construct a road in Pakistan.
Which will start from China passing through POK and moving directly  to there Southern ports of Pakistan like Karachi.

CPEC project

And from the ports like Karachi and Gwadar there going to export there goods through sea roots that is moving in gulf of Aden and from there to Suez canal from there to middle eastern countries or European/African countries.

The project of constructing road in Pakistan are known as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC). There are huge network of railways and roadways. starting from China passing through POK and directly ending at Southern ports of Pakistan.

Further the latest news has come that China is going to extend the China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEZ) project till Afghanistan.

Some of the railway networks and roadway networks of China-Pakistan economic corridor are shown in below images.

Highway networks in CPEC

railway network in CPEC

For just one project that is China-Pakistan economic corridor China is funding Pakistan in large amount for road construction rather than building some other infrastructure and calling it as a iron brother.

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