Al-Qaeda: How Did It Born?


Everyone of you might have heard about some important terror attacks like 9/11 attack and attack on Taj hotel etc but have you ever thought that what is the reason behind this terror attack or why this terrorist organisations have been formed what might be the reasons behind the existence of this terror groups.

Looking world widely we can see many more terrorist attack done by different terrorist groups but these each and every terrorist group is linked with only two terrorist group that is Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

So how this Al-Qaeda and Isis how been created?

Getting back in past.

Jihad in Afganistan.

In 1970's Soviet union's interest towards Afghanistan's territory increased. They wanted Afghanistan to be part of Soviet union so they invaded Afghanistan.

war last long from 1979 to 1989.

USSR v/s Afganistan

In this war many more other countries also participated in favour of Afghanistan and in oppose of Soviet (union that is United States of America and Pakistan).

One of the government organisations of United States of America name CIA
(central Investigation Agency) launched and operation that is operation cyclone in favour of Afghanistan to remove Soviet Union from Afghanistan, actually USA here had it's selfish reasons for helping Afghanistan or Afgan mujahideen.

Afgan mujahideen

The another body from Pakistan named ISI help Afghanistan and Afgan Mujahideen By providing them training to fight against Soviet Union in war.

And in this war one face of Islam raised and that is Osama bin Laden.

Osama bin Laden took the leadership of war against Soviet union and fight very effectively for protection of Islam and Islamic people in Afghanistan.

Osama bin Ladin also played a great role in bringing funding from many more regions like, he brought a funding from Saudi Arabian government.
also he founded a group called Al-khidmat in 1984 for fund raising for war against Soviet union.

In last Afghan Mujahideen won and Soviet Union lost the war and had to leave the Afghanistan.

And result of war lead to the formation of greatest terrorist group that is Al-Qaeda and the founder of this Al-Qaeda  group is nobody but the leader of Afghan mujahideen in war against Soviet Union that is Osama bin Laden.

Al-Qaeda V/S USA !

Afterwards USA poked his nose in middle East and tried to gain control over it.

Also USA launched some missions like operation Restore Hope mission, Persian gulf mission which where against of Al-Qaeda and supported some government of some countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc which were kafirs in the list of Al-Queda.

This result in creating the anger in the mind of Osama bin Laden against USA.

In return to this Osama bin Laden did 9/11 attack by hijacking aeroplanes and crashing it on World Trade Centre building of USA.


Bin Laden thought that this will be a lesson for USA to remain quite and not to poke nose in middle East but in return citizens of USA supported the government and demanded to kill Osama bin Laden 

So USA took a decision to deploy there troops in Afghanistan for 20 years.

And further Osama bin Laden got killed in Pakistan by US Army troops.

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